Monday, April 28

Living Streams Community

Hi All,
As you know, I really like the "vision" that flows from Ezekiel 47:1-2. It has given me an idea for a name.Living Streams CommunityI intentionally left off the word church as it has the same meaning as the word community. Each of us is a "living stream" flowing from the throne and together we form the mighty river that brings hope, health, healing and forgiveness. I would also cahnge the word water in the proposed vision statement to stream so that it would read "In Christ, we are each a living stream flowing into our community..."I also think that it would be fairly simple to create a logo around this idea.Let me know what you guys think.Pastor RonP.S. I tried to put this on the blog but couldn't for some reason. Can someone give me pointers on how to do that again please? Thanks.

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