Tuesday, March 11

what ifs

Now add some what ifs. What if resources weren't a limit? And this might be too early, but are we satisfied with what we have? (I did not have a relationship story and no one else shared one either. Maybe I didn't notice the relationship stories and need my eyes opened more.)


Allendale Community Church said...

The relationships will come. As you know, it takes time. :-) I was pleased I got to see our old neighbors. I'm excited about their daughter and her two kids. Because we are getting people through quickly and because there are others around us, we shouldn't expect too much to happen right there. It will come though. Sal

Allendale Community Church said...

... and from the comments that I heard last night, those relationships, those connections are starting. God has been putting them in front of each of us, we need to notice those "chance" encounters.

Who is God asking each of us to love?

The words of two songs come to mind:

Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus,
To reach out and touch Him,
And say that we love Him.
Open our ears, Lord
And help us to listen.
Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus.

and another favorite from DeColores -
Have you seen Jesus my Lord, he's here in plain view
Take a look, open your eyes, he'll show it to you.


Allendale Community Church said...

That first song kept crossing my mind during prayer but all I could remember was the first two lines!